Cross Border Express (CBX) to Tijuana Airport

My first experience using the Cross Border Express (CBX) to go from San Diego to Tijuana airport, and my take is: CBX thumbs up, Mexicoach thumbs down.

In my travels I have run into several people from San Diego who said that they often fly out of Tijuana airport rather than San Diego. The main reason being the cheaper flights to be had out of Tijuana. They travel to the Cross Border Express, a facility that sits on the US-Mexico border and extends from the US side into the Tijuana airport. I was intrigued, since I can see myself coming through San Diego more in the future. I booked a trip there, in part to give the CBX a try when I headed back down to Mexico.

Getting to the CBX

The cheapest option I found for getting to the border was to take an Uber to the Santa Fe Depot in downtown San Diego, and then catch a ride with Mexicoach from there to the CBX terminal for $14. I went ahead and booked with Mexicoach online.

When I arrived at the Santa Fe Depot, I didn’t see any signs saying where to go to pick up the shuttle. I asked an Amtrak employee, who directed me to the white curb outside on Kettner Blvd. I sat down in the terminal to wait.

10 minutes before departure time, I noticed the Mexicoach van waiting by the curb. I thought I had time to run to the restroom, so I did, and when I got back outside with 6 minutes to spare the van was gone.  

I called Mexicoach to ask what gives, and they said that it states in their terms and conditions that you have to be there 30 minutes beforehand, and they might leave early.

First of all, really? If you say your shuttle will leave at a certain time, you don’t just leave before that. Particularly if there are people who have already paid but haven’t shown up yet. Secondly, if they’re going to have that policy, it should not be in the fine print, it should be printed in bold on the checkout page, on the tickets, and in the email confirmation. It was not in any of those places. Thirdly, upon checking, I realized it wasn’t even mentioned in the fine print.

I’ve encountered similar issues with transportation in Mexico before but didn’t expect it in the States, although I think Mexicoach might actually be based in Tijuana. In any case, the message I received from Mexicoach support was basically, “tough”. So I just took an Uber down, which ran $40.

The CBX Experience

Luckily, crossing the border went much better. It didn’t really feel much different than showing up to an airport and walking to get to a terminal. I just needed my CBX ticket ($20 online), Mexican Residency card (or FMM and passport), and my boarding pass. They scanned my documents at a couple of gates, then I went up an escalator and over the bridge. On the Mexican side, I presented my residency card and they stamped my passport. I went through security and was in the Tijuana airport. Easy peasy.

Bottom Line

I would definitely recommend checking out the CBX if you have the opportunity. However, I would avoid using Mexicoach to get there if possible. And if you do try them out, be ready to pounce on the van anytime it may arrive in the half hour leading up to your “departure time”.