Bajío Region

“Bajío” is Spanish for “lowland”, and refers to the low-lying plains and gentle valleys that dominate this region’s landscape. I’ve enjoyed visiting the beautiful and fascinating cities here.

  • Guanajuato


    Beautiful, vibrant, and intriguing, Guanajuato, to me, feels like a distinctively Mexican interpretation of old Europe. The plazas, narrow cobblestone streets, colonial architecture, and callejoneadas (troubadours) evoke memories of time I’ve spent in the Old World. Although it’s probably not a place where I would settle down for weeks at a stretch, it’s an excellent…

  • Querétaro


    I had seen Querétaro mentioned in several expat Facebook groups and, on the spur of the moment, booked an overnight trip to check it out while I was visiting San Miguel de Allende. It’s considerably larger than SMA, but is known for being one of the safest cities in Mexico to live, with a high…

  • San Miguel de Allende

    San Miguel de Allende

    Since I started traveling extensively in Mexico, I’ve heard a lot about San Miguel de Allende. It’s known for charming streets, a vibrant art scene, delicious food, and great weather. It’s a favorite among expats. Naturally, I wanted to check it out for myself. Impressions – June 2023 First of all, a heads up –…