About Mr Meander

The Spanish word ‘inquieto’ means ‘restless’, and it seems like an apt description of me at this point in my life. Maybe you can relate. We humans are innate explorers, and our need to roam from time to time runs deep. 

My travels have not been all that extensive, but I do have the itch, and I’ve had more than one nomadic period in my life. This most recent incarnation began in August of 2021 when I put most of my things in storage in Denver, opting once again for a mobile lifestyle that could fit into a backpack and a checked bag.

This time around, I’m not as interested in seeing all the things as finding places where I could enjoy spending longer periods of time. I’m in my 50s now, semi-retired, and kind of over the rat race. So there’s an element of scouting to it now, or at least thinking about the next act of my life. 

But I’m also trying to be less purpose-driven than that. Meandering is not just about going places, but about doing it more slowly and taking the scenic route. Getting off the freeway and smelling more roses. That’s a challenge sometimes in the world we live in, but I’m working on it.  

What’s an Airbnb Nomad? 

Everybody nomads a little differently. There are vanlifers and couchsurfers and digital nomads. Currently, I identify as an ‘Airbnb nomad’.

An Airbnb nomad is just someone who lives in Airbnbs a majority of the time. On occasion I stay in hotels or with family or friends, but usually you’ll find me in an Airbnb somewhere. I like moving around, having a kitchen, living in authentic homes and different neighborhoods, meeting the hosts.

“What about VRBO?” you ask. Or any number of other short-term rental platforms. I’m not against them at all, and frankly I wish there were more good options out there. But as far as I have seen Airbnb is the only game in town right now. I haven’t found any other platform that matches Airbnb’s inventory, prices, tech, and overall experience. That said, I kind of use Airbnb as a stand-in for all such platforms. They’re kind of the Kleenex of the short-term rental business.

About the Site

This site serves as a space for me to make note of some of my stops along the way, whether they be places, experiences, or just thoughts. It’s meant more as a personal take on things than a definitive guide. Nothing here is set in stone, and I intend to keep revising and refining. With rare exceptions, all the content and photos featured here are my own. I’m not an expert photographer, but I enjoy trying. My professional background lies in software engineering, so I also enjoy tinkering with the code. While I utilize AI tools for inspiration and proofreading, be assured that everything you encounter here reflects my authentic voice. 

Hopefully you’ll find something here of use and/or interest. If you see mistakes or things you’d like to know more about, feel free drop me a line.

